A New Solution for Payments Processing

BBOK knows, and you confirmed, that great customer service drives relationships. We prioritize customer care among our staff, and expect the same from our vendor partners.

BBOK is excited to announce our partnership with FiTech, a merchant services provider focused solely on community banks. FiTech delivers best-in-class payment technology serviced by a team dedicated to helping banks grow and maintain customer relationships.

Berin Lacevic joined the BBOK team in October after spending years in the merchant services industry. As the merchant services relationship manager, Berin’s expertise and commitment to customer care can help your bank solidify valuable relationships with your business customers. Through our new merchant service agreement, BBOK bank customers get a competitive product backed by exceptional service to your bank’s business customers.

As your existing merchant services contract gets set to expire, we encourage you to reach out to Berin to learn more about what BBOK Merchant Services powered by FiTech can do to strengthen your relationships with your valuable business clients.

Berin can be reached at 800.999.5725.